Donate Life Maryland

Designed with passion

A Different Approach

Organ donation is a life-saving mission we are proud to be a part of. Since 2011, our creative efforts have helped raise designation to almost 3 million in the state of Maryland. This year’s campaign was much different from past efforts. In that instead of taking a very small budget and doing smaller things each year we decided to plan for an evergreen campaign that would essentially take 5 years of production budget and allow us to increase our efforts at one time. This was a difficult approach as our planning needed to focus on a much longer life span and be engaging and adaptable for years to come. The biggest benefit that this approach gives us is the ability to drastically expand the media types and reach. It also allows us to create a more unified campaign across for all media even though they won’t all run at once and most of which have yet to be thought of or purchased. But the elements are already created and easily be adapted to fit pretty much any format.

Building a library

We decided that as part of our evergreen campaign it was important to begin to build a library of “approved” assets ranging across all media types to be interchangeable and able to grow and expand without deviating from the original concept. For example, broadcast. The 30s spot is at first glance a very simple production. Everything was shot in studio at the same time in a way that we can easily break it down in different formats, lengths and even other concepts keeping the core messaging intact. We will use the footage library to create social campaigns over the coming years. Multiple spots will be produced from it. Each with the same overall look but different messaging, calls to action, and visuals. We’ll be able to then use those pieces in print, radio, direct, etc; pretty much anything because we also did a photo shoot with all the volunteers at the same time expanding our library. Essentially we’ve taken the idea of a CMS for a website and turned that into a hub of templates for the clients use later on. Complete with style guides, fonts, assets and so on.